Here the first question that newbie blogger gets in their mind is which blogging platform to use. It is a daunting question that always makes new bloggers think. Although various blogging platforms available these days, but most of the new bloggers select great Blogspot. Blogspot is also known as Google Blogger. There is no difference between Blogger and Blogspot. So, don’t get confused when I say Blogspot or Google Blogger. Both are the same. Blogspot is undoubtedly an excellent platform for the beginner, but it causes some issues when you turn your blog into a profit-driven business. So, to avoid that problem, you should choose a self-hosted WordPress blog. Most of you might be confused about why you should WordPress and how it is Self Hosted WordPress better than Google Blogger. If you are thinking about that, then don’t worry, here I am going to clear all your doubts with some valid points.
Which is Better, Blogger or WordPress?
When it comes to Blogspot vs WordPress, Self-hosted WordPress is always a better blogging platform than Blogspot. WordPress is the best option because of its features, functionalities, and more if you are serious about blogging. Let’s see which is better, Blogspot or WordPress.
1. Ownership
Ownership is often a crucial thing; here, to get ownership of your blog, you should use self-hosted WordPress. It is because Blogspot is a blogging platform which is owned by Google. Blogspot is a reliable and free platform, and you can publish articles for free. The main problem with Blogspot is its ownership. You do not own Blogspot, and it belongs to Google. Google has the full right to shut down your website when it wishes. Whereas WordPress is a bit different. Here in the self-hosted WordPress platform, you are the owner of your website. It is just because you are the one who hosts your website. You are always free to decide when to shut it down or when to run your website. Here in WordPress, you are the owner of your website’s data, and you can control the information you share with third parties as well. Therefore, self-hosted WordPress is better than Blogspot.
2. Full Control
Bloggers always need full control over their websites to manage their websites. Blogspot will give you very limited tools to control your website. You can perform only specific tasks on your website. You can’t do whatever you need on Google Blogspot. It is just limited, and there is no way to extend those to meet your requirements. Where else WordPress is open-source software. Here you can easily extend or add new features according to your requirements. Along with that, you are also having hundreds and thousands of websites to modify and extend all the default features of WordPress. So, you can add anything to your website.
3. Faster Loading Speed
Blogspot/Blogger platform has a single long HTML page which is often bad in loading pages quickly. It is a very dangerous factor for SEO, and it always gives you poor results in search engines if your page is loading slower. When you see a self-hosted WordPress blog, it loads faster and quicker than Blogspot. Along with that, you can even improve your page loading by other factors in WordPress because it gives you full control. If you are a blogger who wants to speed up your website and get better SEO results, you should opt for WordPress. That’s why WordPress is better than Blogspot.
4. Easily Manageable
Google Blogspot is always hard to manage than the self-hosted WordPress platform. If you are a blogger, who wants to manage your website content, design, code, and other settings, you need to spend just a couple of minutes in WordPress. Whereas in Blogspot, it takes lots of time to manage the design and maintain Blogspot blog, you require some touch on coding. But in WordPress, you don’t need knowledge of coding. You can do operate everything from the WordPress dashboard itself.
5. Appearance
Appearance is often an important thing for any website on the internet. With Blogspot, you can only use a limited set of Blogger themes, and along with that, you can modify the colors and layout of the Google Blogger themes using the built-in tools. But you really cannot create your layout for your website, or you can’t modify the layout. Whereas in self-hosted WordPress, you can find thousands of free and premium WordPress themes. These themes allow you to create professional-looking websites. Here you can get lots and lots of templates for WordPress rather than Blogspot, so WordPress is always best.
6. Portability
In blogging, you might get a situation to move your website to different platforms depending on the need. Here in Blogspot, it is often a daunting task to move your website from Blogspot to a different platform. It always required significant risk, and you will lose your Search engine rankings as well. Google Blogger has the option to export content, but it still saves all your content in Google’s servers for a long time, so that it will affect your moved website. Whereas if you use self-hosted WordPress, then you can move your website quickly anywhere you want. You can move your WordPress website to the new web hosting platform, or you can change your domain name, or you can even move your website to the other CMS. That’s why WordPress is better than Blogspot.
7. Better SEO Options
Still in doubt, which is better, WordPress or Blogger. WordPress is always better than Blogspot in SEO options. WordPress offers several SEO options which you can’t find on Google Blogger. Blogspot platform is still adding the SEO features available in WordPress, but it will take a lot of time. Coming to the SEO part, WordPress is often best because you can enhance your blog, and you can grow your blog without any hesitation, whereas, in Blogspot, it is a bit odd to find those settings. It is the main difference between Blogger and WordPress; why do people prefer self-hosted WordPress over Blogger. Want to Create your WordPress blog? Here is a complete guide on how to create a WordPress blog.
8. Great Plugins
The best thing about self-hosted WordPress is having millions of useful plugins which can help you out in lots of ways. You can easily install required plugins in WordPress without any coding knowledge. But if you see Blogspot, you don’t get such plugins that are easily installable. Here you should make changes in the Blogspot interface code to install a custom widget. Most of the time, it isn’t very easy. It could damage your website if you don’t know to code.
9. Professional Domain
If you are a blogger who looks for professionalism, then you should use the self-hosted WordPress platform. It is just because WordPress will give you the exact domain name you want without adding any tags or extensions to your domain address. Whereas in Blogspot, you will always have a Blogspot in your back. So, it looks a bit odd for your users. Nowadays, you have the option to add a custom domain on Blogspot. Here is the example for flowing instances. Example:
10. Support
Blogspot always has limited support. Here all you can get from Blogspot is basic documentation and a user support forum. That’s it. You will only have limited support options for Blogspot. Whereas in WordPress, you have an active support community. Along with that, you can find online documentation, active community, Forums, Chat rooms, and so on. Here you will find experienced WordPress developers who can help you to figure out your problem.
11. Monetization
Yes, it is true WordPress offers better revenue opportunities that Blogger can never provide. Those who have used WordPress better know how easy it is to place advertisements in a WordPress blog. After approval of AdSense on your Blogspot blog, you will understand the limitations in ad placements to make money online. You can place an advertisement where you actually want to get maximum CTR for a better earning. Learn how to earn more using Google AdSense.
It is all about how self-hosted WordPress is better than Blogspot. I hope you all liked these differences between Blogger and WordPress. If you have any suggestions, you can suggest them to me in the comment section.