Top 8 Google AdSense Alternatives
1. Media.Net
The result of the collaboration between the two biggest search engines on the web, Yahoo! and Bing, this platform beats AdSense on the basis that it allows publishers to customize their ad units for size, color, and shape so that they fit better into the website where they are published. Although the Yahoo Bing Network is not yet open for public sign up, individual publishers may request an invitation if the majority of their website traffics comes from the US, Canada, and the UK.
2. Vibrant Media
Another platform that is easy to get used to if you are familiar with Kontera. Initially popular for its in-text ads, Vibrant Media has recently come up with two types of ad formats that can bring extra revenue streams. These are the in-image ads, which integrate text ads within images and display ads, which are based on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) model.
3. AdSide Media
The banner ad format of this platform is strikingly similar to AdSense with only one exception. Unlike Google’s network interface, it has a thumbnail on the left side of each ad row. Zeroed in on the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom visitors, AdSide might be the just-right choice for you if your traffics comes from those locations.
5. Infolinks
This is a pay-per-click advertising network that makes you money by using specific keywords in your blog. Unlike a CPM program, this method can take a while before it starts bringing you a regular income. Infolinks works in English, Spanish, French and German websites and it comes with an extended list of payment options including PayPal, Wire Transfer, Check Western Union, ACH, and Payoneer.
6. Kontera
Kontera has become famous for its in-text advertising model. What it means is that in-text ads do not require additional ad spaces. Instead, they analyze your website content and automatically turn relevant keywords or phrases into hyperlinked text ads. This platform is based on a cost-per-click model (CPC) where publishers get paid every time visitors click on the ads.
7. Clicksor
This platform has become popular for its wide choice of different ad formats. The most popular two are the text ads which remind a lot of Google AdSense ads, and in-text ads, which seem to look up to Kontera ads as the role model. Clicksor pays out in net 15 days, and as long as your earnings exceed $50, you are entitled to choose between a check or PayPal payment. Whichever ad network you chose, make sure your website has a great UX, which is directly related to a number of clicks, and your revenue. If the UX is defective, not only will you have fewer clicks, but the users will write off your page despite the potentially great content. A digital agency that specializes in website design and optimization may provide valuable help in the transition to responsive design, which will ensure that your site has excellent UX, regardless of the screen size of the visitor’s device.