You might be a social media marketer or an influencer or an online shop owner, and you must realize the importance of Instagram as a marketing platform. You always want to get paid, or free Instagram likes to build a brand. When you maintain a business profile for your brand on Instagram, sustaining a heavy volume of followers, likes, and comments is important. More the number of followers more is the volume of likes and comments on your posts and vice versa. The first thing that you see when you open Instagram is the number of posts, followers, and following. These stats are your first opportunity to build a credible profile and attract the followers enough to make them hit the follow button. Similarly, when a visitor visits your profile, the number of likes on your posts is directly proportional to the credibility and likability of your Instagram content. The more the number of likes more is the number of followers you attract.

You must have definitely tried every hack on how to get more likes on Instagram. You must know, there are many Instagram tools available in the market, each with their unique benefits. Some operate around enhancing your image quality, some schedule your posts to ease up your Instagram marketing strategy; some help you get more followers while some other help you get likes on Instagram. There are so many tools with such various functionalities that they provide. This particular article is all about those Instagram tools that help you get more likes on Instagram posts. Come, let’s start.

The Most Amazing Tools to Get Paid and Free Instagram Likes on Your Posts

Well, tools that we will discuss in this article will not only help you get free Instagram likes on your posts but will also help you attract more followers, expand your social reach and thereby develop a powerful social media influence. Enough said! Here are the 11 best tools to get free Instagram likes and comments on your posts.

1. Iconosquare

Iconosquare is an amazing Instagram Management tool. Basically, it is a social media management tool that lets you schedule and manage your social media activities and helps you maintain an effective and influential presence. It helps to maintain a constant flow of followers to your account and thus helps you to boost the number of likes your posts get. Its comprehensive analytics feature lets you have the insights like total followers, total likes, reach, average engagement rate, most recent media from, most recent stories from, gained & lost followers, and more. Iconosquare also lets you gain more followers and likes by suggesting the best time to post on the platform. Under Analytics > Engagement > Best Times to Post, you’ll find the best times to post your Instagram content based on your engagement rates. There are so many amazing features like these that let you allure more likes on Instagram and help you grow your Instagram following and overall influence. Visit:

2. Taggbox

Taggbox is a social media aggregator and display tool. It lets you fascinate more likes on Instagram by helping you display your Instagram content to your target audience through mediums other than the Instagram platform. It gives you the ability to display your Instagram posts through an Instagram Feeds Wall on a digital screen at any event or digital signage. You can embed Instagram posts on your websites to share your social side with visitors while they are staying on your website. When your loyal customers see you displaying your Instagram feeds on your official websites/events/digital signage, they become curious about your social presence. Your regular ones find you on Instagram with the help of the hashtags or handle names that are being displayed on your Instagram feed wall, and then they follow you to stay updated on your latest Instagram stories. It automatically fetches more followers, and hence more likes. One another way in which Taggbox Instagram Walls are a great way to draw more likes and followers to your Instagram profile is by running using them for your UGC campaign marketing. Instagram Walls installed on your website or in your event is a great way to showcase user-generated content to your wider audience base. UGC is engaging. It compels your audience to interact with it by following, liking, and commenting on your Instagram stories. Also, it encourages your other users to post similar content on social media using your brand hashtag, which you can repost as your brand’s UGC post. This further grabs engagement that means, more likes and followers for your Instagram profiles. Other than that, Taggbox is an incredible and amazing social media tool. It lets you customize your Instagram feeds to make them look more attractive and engaging. You can also filter and curate your Instagram content to maintain the quality standards before displaying it to the target audience. Its analytics feature allows you to track the engagement of users with your Instagram posts. You can also check the likeliness of your posts with the unique Sentiment Analysis. Visit:

3. Combin

Combin is a smart Instagram marketing tool. It helps you to fetch genuine Instagram followers, likes, and comments. In simple words, it helps you grow a strong Instagram profile and build an influential presence over the internet. It helps you discover influencers to promote your brand and real followers to engage with your posts, which makes the overall communication and engagement easy and hassle-free. It lets you manage your Instagram followers and followings in one single tab. You can detect who doesn’t follow you back and gives you the capability to unfollow them collectively in a batch. It also tracks the accounts you have unfollowed and notifies you if mistakenly you have followed them back. It also lets you attract more followers by allowing you to like and comment on their posts; thus, you can expect them to reciprocate the favor. And it actually works. When you like someone’s post for the first time, there is a high probability that they might view your profile, seeing a new admirer in their notification tab. If your profile is strong and influential, they will follow you back, thus earning you real and genuine followers who actually engage with your posts by liking and commenting on them. It also comes with amazing features like advanced Instagram search, user search analysis, audience management, sorting & preview features, activity statistics, and many more, thus allowing you to strengthen your marketing efforts further. Visit:

4. Word Swag App

WordSwag is a tool that lets you enhance the quality of your Instagram posts. You can add amazing texts, quotes, and stimulate the overall content quality on your Instagram profile. Instagram is a visually appealing social media platform. If you wish to maintain a steady flow of followers, likes, and comments, then it demands as amazing content as well. Wordswag helps you create eye-catching visual content. Stunning visuals on your profile make your Instagram presence stronger, which compels your followers to like it anyways. It is an easy-to-use tool and a great addition to your Instagram marketing tools kit. Visit:

5. Instazood

Instazood is a typical web-based Instagram bot. It includes features like automatic liking and commenting. It also comes with an option to directly message people automatically to the people who are interested in your profile and might follow you back. Instazood tracks and analyzes the hashtags that you have been following to get an insight into your taste, interest, and targeted demographics. It comes with a decent support system that gives you excellent technical assistance. It comes with an affordable monthly charge and offers you amazing features that help you fetch more likes on Instagram. Visit:

6. FanBump

FanBump is an Instagram management tool that helps you grow your Instagram profile safe and fast. It follows a custom-tailored approach to expose your Instagram profile to 1,00,000+ Instagram users out there. It helps you get relevant and real followers for your profile, thus helping you to fetch more engagement on your profile in terms of likes and comments. The tool works by defining your target audience, which helps you to filter in the relevant followers, and hence the engagement that follows. It is followed by engaging with the target audience by liking, commenting, and sharing their content so that they notice you via their notifications. This way, you reach thousands of relevant Instagram users that are likely to follow you back and engage with your content by liking and sharing it. FanBump ensures real and organic growth, unlike other tools that fetch fake followers for you with zero engagement overall. Genuine marketing tactics are used to attract real and original Instagram users. It automates your entire process of growing your profile stronger so that you can focus on creating engaging and creative content. Visit:

7. Instato is an Instagram automation and management tool. It basically is an Instagram bot that automates and manages- like, comment, follow, unfollow, DM, and post for your Instagram profile. It helps you automate the whole process of growing your profile and building an influential Instagram presence with real followers. You can manage multiple Instagram accounts using this tool. You can plan your creative content, schedule it, monitor the top hashtags and locations, and respond to comments with ease using its social monitoring feature. It auto-follows important Instagram accounts and hashtags, helping you to grow your network with relevant Instagram users. It is one of the best ways to grow your follower base and networking on Instagram. Similarly, it also comes with an auto-unfollow feature too, that helps you unfollow those accounts who aren’t following you. Its auto-like feature automates the liking feature for you. Hence, there is no more any need to scroll down the feeds to like each one individually. It saves time. You can use this feature to target followers and hashtags on Instagram. Other features like auto-comment, auto-direct message, auto-repost, and others also helps you to automate the entire process of growing your network on Instagram. Visit:

8. Trusy Social

Trusy is yet another Instagram tool to scale up and monetize your Instagram presence and influence. It helps you grow your Instagram network, thus fetching you more user engagement like likes, comments, and shares. You can track the hashtags and posts you follow on Instagram and hence, defines your niche audience, which can be targeted to grow your Instagram network. It automates the entire process by liking, commenting, and sharing the Instagram posts of your target Instagram profiles, thus making you noticeable in their notification tab. It helps you to grow your Instagram presence by connecting with authentic Instagram accounts and drive engagement on your profiles. When your target audience finds relevant and interesting content on your Instagram profile, they are compelled to stay on it, scroll down your feeds, which they will gradually engage with by liking or commenting on it. Visit:

9. Ingramer

Ingramer is your Instagram Growth assistant, which helps you get real followers, likes, comments, and shares. It comes with amazing features like auto-likes, automating direct messages, auto-follow and unfollow feature, post scheduling, auto commenting, and many other Instagram tool features. It also comes with the amazing feature of generating hashtags that you could use for your Instagram content as captions to maximize your target reach.

The Best Instagram Captions and Selfie Quotes for Your Photos

When your hashtag is relevant, it targets the correct audience on Instagram, which genuinely interacts with your content by liking and commenting on it. Visit:

10. Jarvee

Jarvee is a social media automation software that lets you automate all your Instagram and all other accounts. It can be easily used to automate your growth process on Instagram and other platforms. You can get more followers, more clicks, more likes, more comments, more shares, and hence, more traffic on your Instagram profile. It comes with amazing features like post scheduling, auto-reposting, auto-follow, follow-back, auto-unfollow, auto-like, auto-comment, delete posts, contact prospects, managing of your direct messages, hashtag research, block followers, discover and target users, manage, like, and delete comments, save posts, proxy support, data importing, and spin syntax. Visit:

Over to You

So, these were some of the most amazing Instagram tools that would help you to get free Instagram likes, comments, and shares on Instagram stories and improve engagement. Are you using some other hack to improve your Instagram engagement? Do let us know in the comment section below.

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